Sunday, April 11, 2010

The night was spent listening to the pounding rain and ferocious wind howling up the gully. The gale force wind has stayed with us all day, not to mention the cool temperature.
The platypus hunt was a failure last night; we were hoping to go this evening but way to windy. We did stumble across 2 echidnas thanks to Brett spotting them along the fence line. We sat quietly and waited for them to appear but to no avail, and once a down pour came we decided to head home.
We decided to go for a drive, Brett stayed home with Finnegan to do homework. We headed west then up through the Great Otway National Park to do a loop to bring us out at Kennett River east of Apollo Bay. The roads were very winding, even Matt was starting to feel motion sickness and he was driving! The surroundings were beautiful rainforest, lush with tree ferns and tall gums. Once we started the descent into Kennett River we were on the lookout for koalas. Ben was first to spot one and the competition started between him and Matt. Ben was happy when Matt was distracted by a phone call from Claire, so Ben could win.
The rest of the afternoon was spent around the fire watching the huge wave’s crash against the rugged coast, with the kids continuing with their puzzle books. Who needs Playstation when you have a good find a word or crossword book?
Before I forget to mention it, today is Finnegan’s “6th”Birthday.