Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 2

We woke to a dreary wet miserable morning, with misty rain and fog. The weather here changes so quickly that this soon lifted and the sun started to break through. We headed off as we planned last night to head towards Apollo Bay including visiting Cape Otway.
OMG!!!! Seeing wild animals in their own habitat is sensational, today we witnessed an abundance of Koala’s. The road into Cape Otway was just koala after koala, totally amazing!!!! Brilliant!!
We climbed the Light house and were nearly blown off the top. The scenery was beautiful. And Kate managed the best photos from this location.
We headed east more until we reached Apollo Bay and enjoyed fish & chips for lunch in the park by the water. We were kept amused by the tourist doing their version of the Toyota jump for all their photos. The afternoon has been a little spoilt by constant soccer updates about the boy’s team playing like trash!!! 2 unhappy campers here now...
Now home for a coffee, upload photos and wait until time to go platypus hunting.