Monday, January 19, 2009

Change of plans, yet again!!

By Jo,

Yesterday we drove up and looked at a few parts of the Great North Walk, lovely country.

We have made the final itinerary for our hike, and the last date change for the start. Yes it is FINAL!!!

If we obtain authorisation we will depart from Ben's school on Thursday the 9th April and catch train to Teralba. We should then arrive home on Thursday 23rd April. I had to adjust the departure to accomodate Brett's soccer and Ben wanted to incorperate school. These dates mean that we will leave Teralba on Good Friday. All the boy's asked was "will the Easter Bunny find us?"

Once I have made final adjustments to itinerary I will post it for all to study, to see if you may be able to hike stages with us.

I will have maps and locations of where transport is available. and suggestions of what to pack ie; food, water, clothing etc.

True freedom comes from within...Allow yourself to be all that you are.....