A week has passed and and I still haven't worked out the statistics!!
I've been pretty much stuck on the lounge, Freezing beyond belief or sweating. I am feeling half human today. Oh yeh, I have still been working just not that much, well actually not that fast!!! Matt has been pushing me along.
Donations have still be filtering in so hopefully by Tuesday I will have the final figure. No I am not about to tell you roughly, lets just wait and see...... But let me just say, we are mighty happy.
This whole idea was a "brain snap". Ben wanted to do a fundraiser for Crohns research, but we had to come up with something where good people like yourself would be impressed enough to hand over hard earned money with nothing in return. So a long distance walk, from where? Tweed Heads= too far, Canberra= too busy, Dubbo= too hilly, Gosford=Not far enough, Tamworth=Yeh. RTA=No way! So back to the drawing board= Great North Walk, good distance, good time frame, so lets do it....
With a fortieth also looming over my head I thought we should incorporate both, at least this way I would remember my birthday. 4 months was not quite enough time to full fill all the ideas and dreams we had. With this said though I am over whelmed with the great support and success we have had.
It is a wonderful feeling to be able to help one of my children fulfill one of their dreams, I am sure there will be many more to follow.
If I were to do something like this again I would have to allow a few extra weeks off work just to be able to handle the clerical/media type of stuff. I found with working there was no time left to follow up the media releases etc... Or maybe hope someone may help to volunteer with this side of things. I had no time for training which I realise now is the most important thing.
My biggest thanks ever must go to my wonderful husband "Matt". I am extremely lucky to have such a supportive man in my life, hay he is lucky to have me too before I go any further. Not many husbands would do what he has done for me over the past few weeks and months. Like normal I would come up with some hair brain idea and he would just say " Yeh, what ever just tell me what I have to do and when. Just remember soccer". And since I have been home his home duties had to be extended and nights at soccer missed, he never complained too bad.....
Being away from Matt & Kate was hard. Kate is my shadow, it was quiet with out her but I missed my little girl dearly. Matt and I are always together except for Soccer training and groceries, yeh, groceries, I am not allowed I apparently put too much in the trolley. So was hard not having him by my side.
I will always be grateful to Claire, Jackie, Stuart & Peter, for these guy's to give up their time away from their families, pets, sports, work etc is priceless and I hope I can repay the favour for them when needed. So to you guy's I say thank you I couldn't have done it with out you.
To everyone who has supported "Poo Ain't Taboo' either in way of help, support, gear, time and/or donation I say Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have all helped make this event a success!!!
So as soon as I have done all the statistics I will post them here....