Friday, March 13, 2009


As a friend/mother you try and support those around you. You listen and try and put your self in their shoes too see what it would be like. But until you are face to face with IBD you have no real idea. I still don’t fully understand but I do have a better understanding.

The medications people take have side affects and these are not talked about over coffee or dinner, so they are not taken into consideration when someone is a little moody or overweight. When People with IBD are in remission, it is sometime forgotten that they still have a life long condition which still affects their daily lives.

I know with Ben he won’t go anywhere unless he knows where a toilet is located. Hence the toilet location finder on the link bars.

Also the link for the IBD support forum is a life saver for sufferers, and family, it is a great branch of support & knowledge. Having people to talk to that understand is comforting.
Life does go on but first there is a hell of a lot of hurdles to jump.....or actually medication to swallow.
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