Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ben's Thought's................

Yeah, no more leeches!!!!
When we started working on "Poo Ain't Taboo" I did hope we would reach our goal of $5000, but I am so happy that we have at the moment just gone over the $12,000.... Thank You!!!!!!! Mum will put official total on when she is well enough.
I felt sad when I couldn't start at the beginning of the walk with everyone, I was really looking forward to it. Once I was well enough to start it felt good, now I could experience what the others had already.
After filling up on salt & vinegar chips at the Yarramalong store I was ready for anything. The first 10-20 minutes of walking were great it was pretty easy until we started to go down into a gully & the LEECHES started attacking!!!!! When we reached the top of the other side I had a biggest loser moment. I even rang Dad and said "come get me, its too hard!!". Not that he could as to get to the closest pick up point I would have had to re trace my steps, I wasn't going back down that gully again!
Just after this as we walked along a service trail we came across 2 American guys going in the same direction, we walked with them for a short while and after a chat about wrestling I was all good again. Plus by now I had learnt how to detach the leeches.
I enjoyed our night at Auntie Megan's & Uncle Brian's, we did walk everyday we just enjoyed a night in comfort.
I thought it was funny that mum would always take photos of us trying to pee behind a tree. Another funny thing was hearing Stuart whinge about walking even though he bush walks most weekends.
From home I missed TV and Finnegan. The first thing I did when I got home was go hug him.
I would like to thank everyone who participated in Team Ben, Team A (Dad & Kate), and to everyone who donated to help me reach my goal. :)