Thursday, April 9, 2009


We arrived safely in Newcastle, just in the nick of time for Jamie to collect us from the station at Cardiff. Boys are happily playing PlayStation 3, well Ben just stopped, he isn't feeling too good.
Waiting for lunch to cook in the oven, Jamie has a great selection to choose from in his freezer. Jamie is currently at Uni, I have already Vacuumed the floor and folded his linen, it was also mentioned if I feel like it I can put quilt cover on, least I can do.
The train was packed, lots of packs and suitcases. Ben dozed off with 15 minutes to go of the trip. I'm getting use to carrying 2 packs. Don't know how long for though.
Well that's it from me, Take care and enjoy every day.
Oh, a huge thanks like Matt said, to the school. It was a fabulous send off from school and was great having the boys walk with us to the station. Lucky the train came straight in as I think if I had one more minute a tear may have came. There were lots of photos taken and I am sure you will see them when Kate gets home and works it out for her dad.
Miss you already Matt, Kate & Finnegan, Give Finnegan a hug from me I forgot to say goodbye. :(